EtherShare UB2 User manual (Version 5.0.0)  

12 EtherShare utility programs

The following programs are created automatically in the “HELIOSDIR/bin” and “HELIOSDIR/sbin” directories during the EtherShare installation:

12.1 atechoping

You may use the AppleTalk echo diagnosis program “atechoping” to test the network for services, and thus see if the EtherShare base system is communicating with other AppleShare nodes. When you run this program on the host, you should get one response line for the host’s loopback channel and one for each Mac that is switched on and connected to the same network segment. If no Mac computers are connected you should only get a single response line for the host’s loopback channel.

$ cd /usr/local/helios 
$ bin/atechoping 
got packet from 21.27, skt 4, type 4 
got packet from 29.216, skt 4, type 4 
got packet from 20.128, skt 4, type 4 
got packet from 20.218, skt 4, type 4 
got packet from 20.229, skt 4, type 4 
got packet from 25.62, skt 4, type 4 
got packet from 26.143, skt 4, type 4 
got packet from 24.30, skt 4, type 4 
got packet from 21.214, skt 4, type 4 
got packet from 20.143, skt 4, type 4 
got packet from 21.39, skt 4, type 4 
got packet from 20.230, skt 4, type 4 
got packet from 27.54, skt 4, type 4 
got packet from 20.249, skt 4, type 4 
got packet from 20.144, skt 4, type 4 

Each line shows the net node, socket, and echo type.

You can also enter atechoping <nn>, where <nn> is the network number, to echo test other networks. Other EtherShare hosts also return a one-line message.

12.2 poll

The HELIOS “poll” program is a command line utility for network checks (compare 12.3 “vpoll”). It can be executed automatically in the background, e.g. if you include the “poll” command into a batch program. “poll” returns one message line for each AppleTalk service (entity) on any network that answers within a second response time. This includes one response line for the HELIOS servers “atalkd”, “afpsrv”, “termsrv”, “timesrv”, “admsrv”, and “mailsrv” for each EtherShare host that can be found and for each registration (if the services are registered in several zones). In addition, each “papsrv” print spool will have a message line.

Each line shows the network number, node number, socket number, object name, object type and zone name.

Please note that:


poll "=:Laser=@*" lists all services whose type starts with “Laser”. The “*” represents “this zone”, thus the zone you are currently a member of.

“poll” may display entities multiple times – depending on the route an “echo” took; this is normal.

The following example shows the responses you may get when using the “poll” program:

$ cd /usr/local/helios
$ bin/poll 
20 168   2 690c0d3e        EtherShare * 
20 143 253 p610             AFPServer * 
20 143 238 printpreview-SpoolerLaserWriter * 
20 143 245 p610-PrintToDisk-SpoolerLaserWriter * 
20 143 246 p610-lw8500-spoolerLaserWriter * 
20 143 248 p610-color-spoolerLaserWriter * 
20 143 243 p610             MailServer * 
20 143   2 0025f98a        EtherShare * 
20 128   2 DEMO_002614cb   EtherShare * 
20 251   2 DEMO_00205420   EtherShare * 
41 142 251 HELIOS EtherShare PublicAFPServer * 
41 142 253 proxy           AdminServer * 
20 143 229 p610             UNIXTerminal * 
20 143 231 p610             AdminServer * 
20 196   2 6906eae9        EtherShare * 
20 241   2 807de1b8        EtherShare * 
20 211   2 2bbf260c        EtherShare * 
20 230   2 7758302e        EtherShare * 
20 144   2 726041aa        EtherShare * 
20 249   2 80024a74        EtherShare * 
20 250   2 56010ee6        EtherShare * 
20 229   2 2be5ffb7        EtherShare * 
20 141   2 0c027a2f        EtherShare * 

“poll” outputs all names in the default AppleTalk client encoding, e.g. MacRoman. To display UTF-8 names use “uniconv” for the conversion, e.g.:

$ bin/poll | bin/uniconv MacRoman UTF8

12.3 vpoll

The “vpoll” application can be used to get a more detailed view of the available AppleTalk devices on the network. It is a very sophisticated program that can be used for different purposes – not only for verifying the installation. “vpoll” is an interactive program that allows setting several parameters before starting the network check. In addition, it allows monitoring how fast the different devices in your network respond to the network check.


To start the program enter:

$ cd /usr/local/helios 
$ bin/vpoll

Fig. 12.1 shows the startup screen of the program with the default settings.

Note that “vpoll” provides the information online but also allows saving the data in a file. Use “CTRL-W” for that purpose. If you enter “CTRL-W”, e.g. in the “Device List” window, you will be queried for a “Logfile Name” where current settings and lists should be saved as ASCII. Subsequent saves will be appended to the log file. After finishing and restarting “vpoll”, the first “CTRL-W” you enter will induce the program to query for a “Logfile Name” again.

“vpoll” program user interface

Fig. 12.1: “vpoll” program user interface

The following keys are relevant for using “vpoll”:

Whenever a user changes any parameters (as shown in Fig. 12.2), the new settings will be saved for this specific user. You can use the Name and Type lines to limit the network check to specific devices. The “=” is used as a wildcard.

Please note that the bottom line gives short descriptions of the currently selected item (Fig. 12.2).

Setting new parameters for “vpoll”

Fig. 12.2: Setting new parameters for “vpoll”

In Fig. 12.3, we have set up a network check for all devices in zone “HELIOS Entwicklung”.

Settings for a network check that includes all devices

Fig. 12.3: Settings for a network check that includes all devices


To start the network search, proceed to the Ok button (using the TAB key) and then press RETURN.

You will get a device list like that shown in Fig. 12.4. All devices of the zone “HELIOS Entwicklung” are listed – they are sorted by name. The device list includes the network number (Net), the node number (Node), the socket number (Sckt.) and the Name, Type, and Zone of the respective device. Usually, any combination of Net, Node and Sckt. should be unique. It is possible, however, that a combination appears several times; in that case the zones are different.

Device list provided by the “vpoll” program

Fig. 12.4: Device list provided by the “vpoll” program


Scroll through the device list and press RETURN to open the “Device Ping” dialog for a specific device.

In the “Device Ping” dialog you can again set individual parameters for a device check, namely: the number of packets, the packet size, the poll interval, and a value for timeout.

The device check will start the moment you select the Ok button in the “Device Ping” dialog (see Fig. 12.5 and Fig. 12.6).

Setting up the “Device Ping” dialog

Fig. 12.5: Setting up the “Device Ping” dialog

Watching the ping statistics (device response)

Fig. 12.6: Watching the ping statistics (device response)

You can stop and restart the ping statistics at any time; the behavior of the respective button (the Stop button in Fig. 12.6) will change, depending on the status.


Use the Cancel button (or the ESC key) to close the current dialog. The Cancel button in the “Network Search” dialog (see Fig. 12.1) will quit the “vpoll” program.

12.4 zones

The “zones” program can be used to list the names of all zones that can be found on the network, and to quickly find out the current AppleTalk default zone.

Since the “zones” program uses the EtherShare AppleTalk protocol modules, which reference the “Preferences” file for configuration details, mistakes in this file will cause you to see less zones than those shown on the Mac clients. For example, if you get the zone name(s) wrong for a router, “zones” will not show any zones which exist on the other side of the router. Mistakes in “Preferences” will affect “vpoll”, “poll” and “atechoping”, too, for the same reason.


zones [-l]

12.4.1 Option


Shows only local zones.

In the following example, you see all zones and an “*” in front of the current default zone “HELIOS I”:

$ cd /usr/local/helios 
$ bin/zones 
  HELIOS Support

“zones” outputs all names in the default AppleTalk client encoding, e.g. MacRoman. To display UTF-8 names use “uniconv” for the conversion, e.g.:

$ bin/zones | bin/uniconv MacRoman UTF8

12.5 restart-pap

The shell script “HELIOSDIR/sbin/restart-pap” is used internally by EtherShare to enable – via “srvutil” (see the HELIOS Base manual) – printer configuration changes to come into effect immediately, without restarting the entire HELIOS system.

12.6 rmtrash

The “rmtrash” command allows emptying a particular network trash can that is specified with the <path_to_volume> parameter.


You should be logged-in as “root” when calling “rmtrash” from the command line, and the volume should not be mounted.

“rmtrash” can also be called from HELIOS Admin, with the respective volume highlighted in the Volumes list and then choosing Empty Trash... from the Volume menu. This method is recommended.


rmtrash [-f] <path_to_volume>

12.6.1 Option


Deletes the whole “Network Trash Folder” in the volume. With -f not specified, only the files in the “Network Trash Folder” are deleted.

# cd /usr/local/helios 
# sbin/rmtrash /home/macuser

12.7 kconfig

The “kconfig” utility is used during the EtherShare installation/deinstallation in order to install AppleTalk kernel modules or to remove them, respectively.


Make sure that EtherShare is not running, i.e. stop EtherShare before using the “kconfig” command!

# cd /usr/local/helios 
# bin/srvutil stop afpsrv now 
# kconfig install 
# kconfig uninstall

12.8 convertvol

Converts a volume from its current file name encoding as given in the “Preferences” file to a new encoding as defined with the -C parameter. In doing so, however, the entry in the “Preferences” file is not affected, so you have to set the volume preferences manually. The changes are recorded in the volume in “convert.log”.

The options are simply passed through to the “rebuild” program (see the respective chapter in the HELIOS Base manual).


convertvol [-p] [-s] [-v] -C [oldes|utf8] [-U charset] <path_to_volume>

12.8.1 Options


Output the converted file names


Scan desktop only (scan is on if you specify -s)


Verbose for diagnostics (verbose is on if you specify -v)


Volume encoding can be converted to another character set


New character set


If the volume in “/support/temp” is encoded in old-style EtherShare “:Hex” syntax it can be converted as follows:

# convertvol -C MacRoman /support/temp

We recommend to convert old-style “:Hex” volumes using EtherShare Admin (see EtherShare 2.6 manual). This is straightforward by switching off Unicode/UTF8, selecting the desired character set from the AFP Charset pop-up menu, and saving the volume settings anew.

12.9 converthome

“converthome” converts an old style EtherShare home directory to a UTF-8 based volume using the current charset of the home directory specified in the “Preferences” file as default. However, the entry in the “Preferences” file is not affected, so you have to set the volume preferences manually. The changes are recorded in the volume in “convert.log”.

You may overwrite the default charset by using the -U option. The passed home directory must not be in use when issuing converthome, even when calling for scan only.


converthome -v -s [-U charset] <path_to_homedir>
converthome -h (show help)

12.9.1 Options


Verbose for diagnostics (verbose is on if you specify -v)


Scan desktop only (scan is on if you specify -s)

# converthome -U SJIS /home/macuser

12.10 netconf

The HELIOS “netconf” utility offers a very convenient user interface for network configuration.

It is described in detail in 4.3.4 “Manual network configuration”. By means of example manual network configurations, the usage of “netconf” is explained step-by-step.

12.11 The HELIOS Meta plug-in

The “HELIOS Meta” plug-in allows adding and editing file comments on Mac OS X. These comments work cross-platform, i.e. they can also be added and edited:

Mac OS By HELIOS Meta plug-in By operating system
Mac OS 9 hsymCheckMark
Mac OS X 10.4/​10.5 hsymCheckMark
Mac OS X 10.6/​10.7 hsymCheckMark

Table 12.1: How file comments are added and edited

12.11.1 Installation


Mount the “HELIOS Applications” volume and open “MacOS > EtherShare Tools”.


Open the “HELIOS Meta” folder and double-click the “HELIOS Meta.dmg” disk image.


Then double-click the “HELIOS_Meta_Installer.pkg” package file and follow the instructions in the installation menu.

On Mac OS X 10.4/​10.5, the plug-in is installed as “HELIOS Meta.bundle” in “/Library/Contextual Menu Items”. On Mac OS X 10.6 or newer, the plug-in is installed as “HELIOS Meta.service” in “/Library/​Services”.


Now log out from Mac OS X and log in anew.

The “HELIOS Meta” plug-in is now ready to use.

12.11.2 Adding, viewing, and editing file comments from within Mac OS X


To add a file comment to a file or folder, click on the file or folder name while holding down the CTRL key and select the More > Edit comment (Mac OS X 10.4/5), Services > Edit comment (Mac OS X 10.6) or Edit comment (Mac OS X 10.7) item from the pop-up menu.


In the “HELIOS Meta” window highlight the file or folder that you wish to add a comment to, make a double-click in the “Comment” column (Fig. 12.7) and enter your comment. Then click with the mouse outside the editable field, e.g. on the file name, and close the dialog window. In the same way, existing comments can be edited.

File comment in Mac OS X

Fig. 12.7: File comment in Mac OS X

12.11.3 Adding, viewing, and editing file comments from within Mac OS 9


In the Mac OS 9 Finder highlight the desired file or folder and open “File > Get Info > General Information” (Fig. 12.8) to edit the comment.

File comment in Mac OS 9

Fig. 12.8: File comment in Mac OS 9

12.12 LanTest

HELIOS LanTest is a tool for testing and measuring the performance of file system and print system services. It offers detailed evaluations for file and record locking on file server volumes, as well as for many typical file system operations. LanTest results can be used to find bottlenecks, for troubleshooting, or just for maintenance purposes.

HELIOS LanTest dialog

Fig. 12.9: HELIOS LanTest dialog

The LanTest tool is available in the “HELIOS Applications” volume in MacOS > EtherShare Tools > HELIOS LanTest.


Start the LanTest version that is appropriate for your client Mac OS. The LanTest dialog window (Fig. 12.9) opens. From the File menu choose Select Test Volume... and click the Open button.


Before you start examining the performance state the network type:

From the File menu choose Preferences and select the net type you are connected to (Fig. 12.10). Depending on the network specified in this window, LanTest determines the test load, i.e. the size of test files that are processed at a time.

This makes sense because Fast Ethernet (100 Mbit/s) networks have a higher data throughput than the standard Ethernet (10 Mbit/s). Gigabit Ethernet reaches a data throughput of up to 1 Gbit/s (1000 Mbit/s), and 10 Gigabit Ethernet up to 10 Gbit/s (10000 Mbit/s).

Other settings dialog

Fig. 12.10: Other settings dialog

12.13 File System Test

HELIOS File System Test is a professional tool for network administrators, software vendors, and 3rd party developers to test file server compatibility. It allows every Mac user to easily determine if their file server is fully compatible with Mac OS X clients.

HELIOS File System Test dialog

Fig. 12.11: HELIOS File System Test dialog

The File System Test tool is in the “HELIOS Applications” volume in MacOS > EtherShare Tools > HELIOS File System Test. After double-clicking on the program icon the File System Test dialog window (Fig. 12.11) opens.

From the File menu choose Open Test Directory... and select the tests you wish to run by means of the checkboxes in front of each test item line.

12.13.1 Test explanations

Test routines are explained on the “HELIOS File System Test” web page: Go to Support > Utilities for Free Download > HELIOS File System Test

HELIOS Website © 2011 HELIOS Software GmbH  
HELIOS Manuals August 17, 2012