Script Server G8

Automatisation des flux de travail du serveur par hot folders


Simplicitée d'utilisation

  • Facile à installer, administrer, utiliser
  • Administration dustante depuis les clients Mac, Windows et UNIX

Automation Framework

  • True server solution – implemented as a background server service
  • “Run as user” support for scripts
  • Event driven – much faster and more efficient than polling
  • Individual folders or entire HELIOS volumes can act as hot folders
  • File type & suffix can trigger scripts
  • Queuing, logging built-in
  • Remote automation via Tool Server
  • Bonjour browsing to find tool servers
  • HELIOS Bonjour server included

User Interface

  • GUI setup of hot folders and scripts
  • Monitor job status in job window

Compatible Scripts

  • Any executable (e.g. Perl, shell, …)

Plateformes clientes supportèes

  • Les clients Mac, Windows, UNIX