WebShare UB64 User manual (Version 4.0.0)  

8 WebShare File Server

“websharesrv” is the WebShare File Server, a native program running on the machine which can also host the HELIOS EtherShare/PCShare file servers, and is controlled by the HELIOS Service Controller (see HELIOS Base manual). It spawns a separate process for each user login.

The WebShare File Server offers various and versatile user and document management features, including e-mail notification on user login, additional customization in WebShare action scripts, etc.

8.1 User configuration file

“HELIOSDIR/var/conf/webshare.passwd” is the user configuration file of the WebShare File Server. Some specifications made on the “My User Preferences” administration page (see 6.7 “My User Preferences”) are stored in this file:


Each line in “webshare.passwd” starts with the user name followed by several fields which are separated by colons. The first (user name) and third (user ID) field must be set, the other fields may remain blank.

User name

Virtual User or Host User


(Password in clear text or MD5 hash code of UTF-8 clear text password)

A string starting with md5_ is a crypted password for virtual users. A string starting with clr_ is a hash value of the password for virtual users. For host users this field may be empty if there is no additional WebShare password set and the HELIOS host password is used. We recommend to set a different password, though.

Run as user

An empty field identifies a host user. For virtual users this field contains the name of the host user the virtual user is mapped to.

Expiry date

The 4th field contains the user expiry date/time in the format:

For example: 28-Feb-2004-14-21

The Expiry date is entered in the Expires field on the “User Administration” page according to the syntax specified by the preference DateFormat (8.5 “Preferences”).



"zs" (zipstream)
"nocp" (cannot change password)
"pt" (privileged transfer)
"br" (branding)=<branding name>
"po" (preview only for URL Share Access)
"qs" (Quickshare user)


If zipstream is enabled, this field shows “zs=1”, otherwise “zs=0”. If there is no entry, zipstream is enabled.

Client encoding

(for uploads/downloads)

Name of the client encoding for uploads/ downloads, e.g. “MacRoman”. Empty when the “OS Default” has been specified.

E-mail address

This has to be a fully specified e-mail address, for example:


Make sure that the comment does not contain special characters like a colon (“:”). These will be replaced with “_” in order to keep “webshare.passwd” compatible.

8.2 WebShare user settings file

User settings are stored in the “HELIOSDIR/​var/​run/​WebShare_User_Settings/​<user name>.settings” file (* = PrintPreview required):

* Application.session.annotationParameters
* Default.iccProfiles.printer
* Default.iccProfiles.monitor
* Default.iccProfiles.simulation
* Default.screen.width
* Default.screen.width.unit
* Default.screen.pixel
* PrintPreview.zoom.originalSize
* WSPrintDialog_ProofMode.settings.paperFormatString
* WSPrintDialog_ProofMode.settings.marginWidthSetting
* WSPrintDialog_ProofMode.settings.resolutionValueString
* WSPrintDialog_ProofMode.settings.controlGraphicPosition
* WSPrintDialog_ProofMode.settings.unitName
* WSPrintDialog_ProofMode.settings.bindingMargin
* WSPrintDialog_ProofMode.settings.paperHeightSetting
* WSPrintDialog_ProofMode.settings.scaleImages
* WSPrintDialog_ProofMode.settings.paperWidthSetting
* WSPrintDialog_ProofMode.settings.controlGraphicString
* WSPrintDialog_ProofMode.settings.printProofImageTitle

8.2.1 WSProperties

The “WSProperties” object allows getting and setting user settings (see 8.2 “WebShare user settings file”) or custom properties via JavaScript from the “additional.js” JavaScript file (see 4.7.9 “Customize brandings via JavaScript”). Custom properties will also be saved in the user settings file and provide a persistant way to save properties. If default user settings are saved (see Save Default User Settings in 6.7 “My User Preferences”) any custom properties will not be saved. “WSProperties” is implemented as a singleton and cannot be initiated. Note that the getProperty and setProperty methods may cause a read/​write operation on the WebShare file server. If these methods should be executed asynchronously, set a callback function object with setCallback.

getProperty: function (<String> key)

Retrieve a property value for the given key. If the property is null, false, true or undefined it will be converted to a corresponding JavaScript object, otherwise a string is returned. If the property does not yet exist this method returns null.

key: The name of the property to retrieve.

setProperty: function (<String> key, <String> value)

Set a string property value for the given key. This method returns the new value of the property as it was retrieved via the getProperty method.

key: The name of the property to set.
value: The value the property specified with key should be set to.

setCallback: function (<Function> func)

Set a function object that will be called whenever the readyState attribute of the XmlHttpRequest object changes. If a callback function is set by this method the request will be performed asynchronously. The server response will be sent as an object notated in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format and contains the propertyValue object which will contain the value of the retrieved or set property. Use the JavaScript eval or JSON.parse function for parsing the JSON response inside the callback method.

func: A reference to a function object or an anonymous function which takes a XmlHttpRequest object as its argument.

8.3 WebShare utility programs

The “zipstream” and “unzipstream” programs are used for download and upload compression (and extraction). They are located in the “HELIOSDIR/bin” directory.

All other utilities described in this section are Perl scripts which are stored in “HELIOSDIR/​etc/​webshare”. For those scripts, the “dt” command will be used to ensure that all changes are applied to data and resource parts of files and folders. This ensures that HELIOS volume specific requirements are met.


These Perl scripts can be customized. However, this should never be done in the original script file because it could be replaced during updates. Instead, copy the script from “HELIOSDIR/​etc/​webshare” into the “HELIOSDIR/​var/​webshare” directory.
WebShare automatically looks first in “var/​webshare” for all scripts and uses “etc/​webshare” only as a fallback if the script is not available in “var/webshare”.

8.3.1 zipstream

This utility creates a Zip archive to which files and folders can be added in a compressed form. The advantages over the Zip program are that there are no temporary files created during compression, and file downloads can commence immediately without waiting for the archive to be created. Special file attributes like creation date, Mac type and creator and resource fork are encoded into MacBinary, which is preserved in the compressed Zip archive. UTF-8 is always the encoding used for file/folder name representation in the file system. The encoding used for file/folder name representation in the Zip archive can be specified to match the client computer system, e.g. MacRoman, PC850, ISO8859-1, UTF-8.

Due to the Zip64 support, files greater than 4 GB can be downloaded.


zipstream [options] file 
zipstream -h (for help info)

The following options are supported:


Write the Zip archive to the file instead of writing to “stdout”.


Input files are read from this directory.


Zip compression level. Valid levels are from 1 (best speed) to 9 (best compression). The default level is 6.


Encoding used for file names in Zip archive. The default encoding is UTF8. Use uniconv -l to list all available encodings (see HELIOS Base manual).

“zipstream” is called with this option by the WebShare File Server when an encoding is selected via the Download Encoding pop-up menu on the “User Administration” or “My User Preferences” page.


The server volume encoding for “zipstream” is always assumed to be UTF-8. Non UTF-8 volumes are not supported.


Print estimated Zip archive size to “stdout” (8 byte integer, network byte order).


Print estimated Zip archive size to “stdout” (4 byte integer, network byte order).


Write output in blocks of n kBytes. The default is 32 kB.


No Zip streaming format.

“zipstream” is called with this option by the WebShare File Server when the checkbox Zip Streaming Format is not checked.


Encode the data and resource fork of a Mac file to MacBinary.


Calculate precise Zip archive size (generates a temporary zip archive).


Include file comments in MacBinary (works only together with the -m option).


Preserve “.rsrc” directories. By default, “.rsrc” directories are skipped when creating the Zip archive. This option has no effect if -m is set.


Add report file “DownloadLog.txt” to Zip archive containing file access errors and, if -v is also set, verbose information.


Display verbose information on “stderr” or, if -e is also set, write verbose information to “DownloadLog.txt” in the Zip archive.


Resolve symbolic links, add files into Zip archive.


Generate OS X 10.3 (or newer) Finder compatible Zip archives, so that no additional archiving software is needed.


Specifiy path to download accounting log file.


Specify offset bytes to skip in data file. This option supports single file archives only for restarting downloads.


Use the given file name for the Zip directory entry.


Specifies the UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) time difference in seconds which is taken into account when generating dates within the Zip archive.


Enforce Zip64 archive creation for entire Zip archive (otherwise it will automatically switch to Zip64 on archive sizes > 2 GB).


Ignore HideSpecialFiles WebShare preference.


Create an Zip archive named “archive.zip” and add “file1”, “file2”, “dir1”, and “dir2” to the archive:

$ zipstream -f archive.zip file1 file2 dir1 dir2

8.3.2 unzipstream

The “unzipstream” utility expands Zip files and decodes MacBinary files.

By default, it reads a Zip or MacBinary file from “stdin”. The -f option can be used to specify a Zip or MacBinary input file. Output files are stored under the names defined in the Zip or MacBinary file. If the input file is not a Zip or MacBinary file, it will be written to “stdout” or to the file specified by the -o option.


unzipstream [options] file 
unzipstream -h (for help info)

The following options are supported:


Read the Zip archive instead of reading from “stdin”.


Output file name. This is only used if the input file is not a Zip or MacBinary file.


Output files are written to this directory.


Encoding used for file names in Zip archive. The default encoding is UTF8.

Use uniconv -l to list all available encodings.


The server volume encoding where Zip files are unpacked is always assumed to be UTF-8. Non UTF-8 volumes are not supported.


Preserve “.rsrc” directories. By default, files in “.rsrc” directories are not extracted from the Zip archive.


To prevent inconsistencies between information stored in the desktop database of a HELIOS volume and the files/folders on this volume, do not upload or extract a Zip archive with “.rsrc” directories directly into an active HELIOS volume. Make sure to use the HELIOS “dt” tools (see HELIOS Base manual).

-n <scriptname>

Name of a notification script that will be called after a file is extracted. The script is called with the following parameters:

  • backupOriginal

  • replaceOriginal

  • directory

  • temporary file name

  • original file name

  • file type (“Image” or “NoImage”)


Specify the MIME type of the input file. If -m is given, “unzipstream” does not check the header of the input file to determine the file type. Currently, two mime-types are supported: application/x-macbinary and application/octet-stream. If application/octet-stream is specified, “unzipstream” returns the input file unchanged.


List files instead of extracting them.


Unhide “dot files” by replacing the leading dot with an underscore.


.DS_Store is represented as _DS_Store.


Specify the path of the upload accounting log file.

-x <offset>

Specify <offset> bytes to skip in the target file before extracting. This option should only be used in combination with the -t option and single file archives to resume an interrupted upload.

-y <fileContentLength>

Specify the content length for uploads. The estimated upload length is verified to detect aborted uploads.


Specify the temporary upload file name. This is only used in combination with the -x option.


If the file to extract already exists, backup the existing file. This option is only used with the “wsuploadmv” notification script. By default, “wsuploadmv” creates a different file (e.g. “file dup.txt”) if the file already exists.


If the file to extract already exists, replace it. This option is only used with the “wsuploadmv” notification script. By default, “wsuploadmv” creates a different file (e.g. “file dup.txt”) if the file already exists.

-g <modtime>

Specify a modification time for the extracted file. This option should be used with single file archives only.


Specify the delta in seconds relative to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).


Display verbose information on “stderr”.

Please note that if a Zip file on its part contains Zip files in the archive, these will not be further expanded.


List the Zip archive, assuming Windows (PC850) encoding:

$ unzipstream -l -c PC850 -f archive.zip

Extract the Zip archive which was created by DropZip, assuming Mac (MacRoman) encoding:

$ unzipstream -c MacRoman -f archive.zip

Extract all files in “abc.zip” to the directory “/data/zips”:

$ unzipstream -f abc.zip -C /data/zips

8.3.3 wscommon.pm

“HELIOSDIR/etc/webshare/wscommon.pm” is a Perl library module which is included by all WebShare Perl scripts. It contains, for example, information on other installed HELIOS products.

8.3.4 Action script environment variables

The following environment variables are available for WebShare action scripts or utility programs:

Environment variable Description
WSUserEncoding Download encoding; e.g. “OS Default”
WSAccept-Language Currently used GUI language for WebShare; e.g. “en”
WSWindowsEncoding Default Windows encoding; e.g. “PC850”
WSStreamingZip Use Zip Streaming format; e.g. “Yes”
WSMacintoshEncoding Default Mac OS encoding; e.g. “MacRoman”
WSUserId Effective user ID of current session; e.g. “105”
WSGroupId Effective group ID of current session; e.g. “30”
WSUser Name of logged-in user
WSUserEMail E-mail address of logged-in user
WSSessionSeq websharesrv process ID (843) and number of logins (64); e.g. “843-64”
WSClientAddress IP address of logged-in client
WSPREVIEWDIR WebShare cache directory path
WSUserAgent Browser information; e.g. “Mozilla/5.0 (Mac; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113”
HELIOSDIR HELIOS directory path; e.g. “/usr/local/helios”

The following environment variables are only available if the script is called from within a sharepoint via the Actions > menu:

Environment variable Description
WSSharepoint e.g. “Sample Images”
WSSharepath e.g. “/​template-images%0/​”

8.3.5 wscopy.pl


wscopy.pl destdir srcdir files...

This program is called by the WebShare File Server every time Copy or Paste function (in the Edit > toolbar menu) is selected. “destdir” specifies the destination directory, which the specified files and folders from the “srcdir” are copied to.

8.3.6 wsmove.pl


wsmove.pl destdir srcdir files...

This program is called by the WebShare File Server every time the Move function (in the Edit > toolbar menu) is selected. “destdir” specifies the destination directory to which the specified files and folders from the “srcdir” are moved to.

8.3.7 wsdownload.pl


wsdownload.pl zipstream-options offset srcdir files...

This program is called by the WebShare File Server every time the Download function is selected. “wsdownload.pl” uses the WebShare “zipstream” utility to stream an on-the-fly generated Zip archive without temporary files to “stdout”. With the “zipstream-options” argument additional options are passed on to a “zipstream” program call. The “offset” argument defines the number of bytes to be skipped for resuming single file archive downloads. The “srcdir” specifies the current directory of the user’s web session. The “files” argument consists of the files and folders that have been selected for download by the user. Settings like Zip format, file name encoding, MacBinary support, and client platform (Mac or Windows) are automatically determined by the “wsdownload.pl” script.

8.3.8 wsdup.pl


wsdup.pl dir files...

This program is called by the WebShare File Server every time the Duplicate function (in the File > toolbar menu) is selected.

8.3.9 wsmkdir.pl


wsmkdir.pl dir newdir

This program is called by the WebShare File Server every time the Create Dir function (in the File > toolbar menu) is selected.

8.3.10 wsmv.pl


wsmv.pl dir source dest

This program is called by the WebShare File Server every time the Rename function (in the File > toolbar menu) is selected.

8.3.11 wspreview.pl


wspreview.pl srcfile srcfiletype dstfiletype previewfile resOptions
page antialiasPDF

This program is called by the WebShare File Server every time an image or document preview that is not yet available in the cache area, is requested from the client.



The complete path name to the image or document the user selected for preview.


The file type of the document from which a preview is to be generated.


The file type of the preview image; usually JPEG or PNG, see “Generated previews” for details.


The path name of the preview filename. The filename specifies the preview name to be saved in the preview cache area.


This parameter specifies the preview options for the ImageServer “layout” command. Different parameters are split by a “|” character. For example, -oxpix=256|-orotate=90|-oflipvertical


The page number starting with 1 used for multiple-page documents.


“True” or “False” to specify antialiasing for PDF input files.

8.3.12 wsforgotpw.pl


This script does not require any user authentication.


wsforgotpw.pl opts...

This program is called by the WebShare File Server every time the Forgot Password? link on the login page is clicked. The following table lists the Perl script field variables in the left column, and on the right the corresponding HTML field entries in the file “ForgotPassword.wod” (see 7.3.2 “Customizing “*.wod” files”). Please note that the Perl script variable names are given and cannot be renamed! If fields are not needed, leave them empty:

wsforgotpw.pl ForgotPassword.wod
$username editUser.username
$email editUser.email
$organization editUser.organization
$comment editUser.comment
$field5 … $field10 editUser.field5 … 10

8.3.13 wsregnewuser.pl


This script does not require any user authentication.


wsregnewuser.pl opts...

This program is called by the WebShare File Server every time the Register as a New User link on the login page is clicked. The following table lists the Perl script field variables in the left column, and on the right the corresponding HTML field entries in the file “RegisterNewUser.wod” (see 7.3.2 “Customizing “*.wod” files”). Please note that the Perl script variable names are given and cannot be renamed! If fields are not needed, leave them empty:

wsregnewuser.pl RegisterNewUser.wod
$username editUser.username
$password editUser.password
$verifyPassword editUser.verifyPassword
$email editUser.email
$comment editUser.comment
$organization editUser.organization
$field7 … $field20 editUser.field7 … 20

8.3.14 wsrm.pl


wsrm.pl dir files...

This program is called by the WebShare File Server every time the Delete function (in the File > toolbar menu) is selected.

8.3.15 wsperm.pl


wsperm.pl dir user group userMode groupMode otherMode recursive files

This program is called by the WebShare File Server every time the Permissions function (in the File > toolbar menu) is selected.

8.3.16 wsupload.pl


wsupload.pl dstdir filesize backupOriginal replaceOriginal fileOffset
tmpFilename filename mimetype

This program is called by the WebShare File Server every time the Upload function (in the Transfer > toolbar menu) is selected. “wsupload” receives the upload stream from “stdin” and unpacks the uploading stream in the directory specified by the “dstdir” parameter. The “unzipstream” utility is used as a back-end to unpack the data stream on-the-fly. As soon as a file within a Zip stream is detected, the file is saved with a temporary name with the process ID as suffix. For each file in the Zip stream the “wsuploadmv” script is called to rename the file with the process ID suffix to its final name. All this is done on-the-fly while “unzipstream” continues to receive data with additional files within the Zip stream. “wsupload” automatically detects if the upload is done from a Windows or Mac client, and will set up a proper character encoding according to the user and system settings.

8.3.17 wsuploadmv.pl


wsuploadmv.pl backupOriginal replaceOriginal dir source dest
              backupOriginal and replaceOriginal can be set 
              to '1' or '0'

This program renames uploaded files from their temporary name to their final name. “wsuploadmv” is a good place to add more processing tasks, e.g. a virus scanning software to verify uploaded files.

8.3.18 WebShare File Server service port

This service displays WebShare File Server user and status information.


After calling socket localhost with the appropriate port on the command line, you may enter the additional commands users, status or help to display possible options:

$ socket localhost 2016 
Welcome to the HELIOS WebShare File Server service port 


help - print a list of available commands 
quit - close connection 
status - show status information 
users - show user information 
rmcache - remove all cache files


# PID      User UID Address       CRC       Login 
1 inactive tom  101   24c9ce    Mon 10:38 
1 active   joe  108   3bffc9d6  Thu 11:23 
Summary: 1 active users (1 inactive users)


WebShare File Server, Version 4.0.0u1107 
Up since: Wed Dec 3 10:25:30 2014 
Max users: 0 
Max users allowed: 65535

For security reasons the WebShare File Server service port only accepts incoming connections from localhost. Remote access is not allowed.

8.4 WebShare scripts

8.4.1 Custom scripts

It is possible to include scripts in the WebShare workflow which automate tasks, etc. WebShare comes with some custom scripts (“wslogin.pl”, “wsaddshare.pl”, “wslogout.pl”, “wsemail.pl”, and “wspreviewaccess.pl”) that have to be customized by the user in order to take effect, and various sample action scripts (see 8.4.3 “Sample action scripts”). The custom scripts are stored in “HELIOSDIR/​etc/​webshare/​samples”. In addition, the WebShare utility scripts in “HELIOSDIR/​etc/​webshare”, described in 8.3 “WebShare utility programs”, may also be customized.


The standard output size of custom scripts is limited to 64 kB. However, the error output is limited to 2 kB.

Custom scripts become active after copied into the “var/​webshare” directory.


This script is called after a successful WebShare login with the parameters:

The script can be customized to perform any desired action upon a user login. A script return value of 0 would allow the user to log in to WebShare, whereas a value different from 0 would deny the login, while issuing an error message via “stderr”.

Enhanced Document Hub security

This script can also be used for an enhanced Document Hub security by defining a list of mobile device IDs that are allowed to log on to the WebShare Web Server. A sample WebShare “wslogin.pl” script using Document Hub IDs can be downloaded from the HELIOS WebShare server:

Server: webshare.helios.de
User name: tools
Password: tools
Sharepoint: HELIOS Tools
Selection: HELIOS WebShare > Sample wslogin.pl for DocumentHub IDs

Every time a WebShare Administrator adds or modifies a sharepoint, the “wsaddshare.pl” script is called. Its parameters are:

By customizing this script, a System Administrator can prevent WebShare Administrators from creating a sharepoint whose path points beyond the administrative (allowed) area. A return value of 0 would allow creating a sharepoint or applying changes in a sharepoint, whereas a value different from 0 would deny these actions, while issuing a message to the System Administrator via “stderr”.


As soon as the user has logged out, this script is called with the following parameters:

This script may be customized, e.g. to clean up directories or to accomplish similar tasks. In contrast to wslogin.pl and wsaddshare.pl, the return value of this script is not interpreted.


This action script is called every time a user sends an e-mail via WebShare. The script is called with the parameters:

The Script must exit with status 0 to allow the user sending e-mail or status 1 to deny sending an email.


If a script named “wspreviewaccess.pl” is copied to “HELIOSDIR/var/webshare” it is called every time an image preview is requested.

The script has two arguments:

1. <Pathname> to the image
2. <Pathname> to the cache preview file

This allows precise auditing for third-party scripts which may use this information to get informed about the preview activities.

8.4.2 Debugging WebShare scripts

All WebShare scripts are developed in Perl including the sample scripts. They can be developed in any language, e.g.: shell, PHP, Perl, Java, C/C++. HELIOS prefers Perl because it is very powerful and compatible across different server platforms. This chapter provides guidelines on how to debug Perl scripts to be used as utility and action scripts within WebShare. Make sure to implement and debug your script so that it works in general before you begin debugging it in the WebShare environment.

Environment requirements:
All scripts are called with the current working directory HELIOSDIR, which is “/usr/local/helios” by default. To be compatible on all platforms without depending on the Perl installation path all WebShare Perl scripts include a #!var/​run/​runperl in the first line. “runperl” is a symbolic link to the local Perl interpreter. The “runperl” link is automatically created during the WebShare installation. All WebShare default scripts are included in “etc/​webshare”. Customized scripts should be stored in “var/​webshare” to avoid overwriting your scripts during a new installation. Another benefit is that the entire “var” folder contains all customization and settings, which allows easy migration to a different server platform without applying all changes again.

Printing debugging information:
As many scripts produce their output to “stdout” or “stderr”, printing script variables will produce mixed output which leads to malfunctions. All HELIOS scripts support debug output into a file by specifying the “DEBUGTTY” environment variable.

A simple debugging session:

# cd /usr/local/helios 
# export DEBUGTTY=/dev/tty
# var/webshare/actions/<yourscriptname>

The above commands allow to test drive the script and to check the results.

A debugging session within a running WebShare File Server:

# cd /usr/local/helios 
# bin/srvutil stop websharesrv # to stop the webshare file server 
# export DEBUGTTY=/dev/tty 
# sbin/websharesrv

The manual start of the WebShare File Server as shown above prints all output into the current terminal.

8.4.3 Sample action scripts

As mentioned in 8.4.1 “Custom scripts”, WebShare comes with various sample action scripts:

The string entered in the script header, in the line #Title=, is used as the script title in the menu.

Located in “var/​settings/​WebShare/​Actions/​Samples”, the scripts must be copied to “var/​settings/​WebShare/​Actions” in order to become available in the Actions > pop-up menu in the toolbar of the sharepoint window (see section Actions > in 6.3 “Work in a sharepoint”). In addition, the file access permissions of each action script determines if it is even visible to individual users. See 10.1.7 “Action scripts”.


This action script returns a table of all annotations for the current sharepoint, and offers a search functionality for annotations.


(PDF HandShake required) Action script to preflight a PDF document, using callas software’s “pdfToolbox”.


This action script prints out the script arguments and the environment variables.


This two-step action script first generates a form with customized HTML fields (text fields, buttons, etc.), which are then processed.


Action script to show disk usage of files by use of the du command.


(ImageServer required) Action script to extract information about an image.


This action script allows opening the WebShare components file browser, preview, proof, download, Spotlight search, upload to dynamically create HTML hyperlinks, to enable the user to navigate to different WebShare components. For example, navigate into a proof window which displays page 12 of a specified file, with a zoom of 100%.


This action script lists, by use of the ls -l command (on Windows dir), the content of the current directory.


(PDF HandShake required) Action script to extract information about a PDF document.


Action script to send messages from WebShare to all users that are connected via “afpsrv”, “pcshare” or “heladmsrv”.


Action script which returns a table of Spotlight metadata for all selected files.


(ImageServer required) Action script to collect the referred data (QuarkXPress or InDesign document and images) from the XPV document. It creates also a report about the used fonts.


(ImageServer required) Action script to extract information about an XPV document.


If the name of the script file starts with “hide-” (e.g. “hide-scriptname.pl”) the script will not be listed in the Action > menu of the toolbar. This is useful for actions that will be called by JavaScript (see 8.4.4 “Calling action scripts via JavaScript”) but should not be visible for the user.

8.4.4 Calling action scripts via JavaScript

It is possible to call any custom action script via JavaScript from the “additional.js” JavaScript file (see 4.7.9 “Customize brandings via JavaScript”). This allows customization of workflows or adding new features and options. To call a custom action script via JavaScript make use of the WSJavaScriptCommand object. Custom actions can be called from the WebShare “Home” page, the file browser page, the preview page, the proof window, the “Administration” page, and the “My User Preferences” component.

To call custom action scripts from JavaScript use the WSJavaScriptCommand object. It contains the following public methods:

addFiles: function (<Array> or <Object> files)

Add files to the action script as if they were selected in the directory listing.

files: An array of HTML element objects or a single HTML element object like HTMLTableRowElement, a HTMLTableCellElement, or similar.

addParameters: function (<Object> parameters)

The key/value pairs of the given object will be passed to the action script as “POST” variables. If any name field content has been set via the setNamefieldContent method this method will throw a WSJavaScriptCommandException.

parameters: An object holding key/value pairs.

send: function ()

Sends the request. If no command name has been set via the setCommand method this method will throw a WSJavaScriptCommandException.

Returns: true if the request has been sent, false if no request can be sent from the current component.

setCallback: function (<Function> func)

The function object func will be called whenever the readyState attribute of the XmlHttpRequest object changes. The XmlHttpRequest object will be passed as a parameter to the function.

func: A reference to a function object or an anonymous function which takes a XmlHttpRequest object as its argument.

setCommand: function (<String> name)

Set the name of the script to invoke.

name: The name of the action script to invoke, e.g. “wsannotations.pl”.

setNamefieldContent: function (<String> content)

Set the content of the name field of an action. If any “POST” parameters have been set via the addParameters method this method will throw a WSJavaScriptCommandException.

content: The content of the name field of an action script.

setSharepoint: function (<String> name)

Sets the name of the current WebShare sharepoint. In the “FileBrowser”, “Preview”, and “Proof” components, the sharepoint name cannot be overridden and this method will throw a WSJavaScriptCommandException if invoked. It should be used to set a sharepoint in components that do not have a sharepoint context like the “Administration” component. You may want to call this method within a try/catch block.

name: The name of a WebShare sharepoint.

8.5 Preferences

This section lists all the preference keys that are pertinent to the WebShare File Server. Find a description of how to set, view, change or delete preferences, with the HELIOS “prefdump”, “prefvalue”, and “prefrestore” utility programs in “HELIOS utility programs” in the HELIOS Base manual.


Make sure that preference keys DO NOT start or end with a slash (“/”) character, and note that they are case-sensitive! Also, if any preference key or preference value includes spaces, that key or value must be enclosed in quotes.

Key: Programs/websharesrv/<preference>

8.5.1 WebShare File Server preference keys


Specifies the time delay in seconds between failed login requests. This helps increase the security against unauthorized logins, e.g. by password robots, which try to match the password by issuing a large number of passwords per second.


Determines whether the Forgot Password? link becomes visible in the login window. The setting of this preference reflects the state of the Enable Forgot Password Option checkbox on the “Server Preferences” page (Fig. 4.3).


Determines whether the Register as a New User link becomes visible in the login window. The setting of this preference reflects the state of the Enable Register User Option checkbox on the “Server Preferences” page (Fig. 4.3).


Determines whether the Mail function (in the Edit > toolbar menu) is available. The settings of this preference reflects the setting of the Enable E-Mail message for Users checkbox on the “Server Preferences” page (Fig. 4.3).


With this preference set to TRUE, only encrypted user logins are permitted. For this purpose, JavaScript must be active in the web browser. The setting of this preference reflects the state of the Enforce RSA Crypted Passwords checkbox in the “Server Preferences” page (Fig. 4.3).


With this preference set to TRUE, WebShare allows direct URL access from remote clients.


This preference determines whether Quickshares are allowed at all. Set to TRUE to allow Quickshares. The setting reflects that of the Allow Quickshares checkbox in the “Server Preferences” page (Fig. 4.3).


With this preference set to TRUE, all Quickshare users are available in the Quickshare User pop-up menu. The setting reflects that of the Quickshare Users Are Global checkbox in the “Server Preferences” page (Fig. 4.3).


With this preference set to TRUE, a remote user is allowed to open Quickshare links by just clicking on them, without the need to previously log in on the WebShare server (requires an empty password). The setting of this preference reflects the state of the Skip Login With Empty Quickshare Passwords checkbox in the “Server Preferences” page (Fig. 4.3).

The following keys require a new login to take effect:

If an annotation is added to a file in the preview or proof window, it is named “<file name>.annotation” and saved adjacent to the original file. This preference allows specifying prefixes for the annotation file, e.g. a dot (“.”), which would hide the file in the WebShare file browser. Also directories can be specified; if “anno/” is specified, the annotation file is saved to the directory “anno” which is created adjacent to the original file.


Allows deactivating the time adjustments. The default is FALSE which means time zones are automatically adjusted.


This value is specified in kilobytes. The WebShare protocol block size between the WebShare Web Server and the WebShare File Server specifies the maximum size of a command (except for downloads, uploads, and previews, which are streamed). For example, if annotations become larger than 128 kB, this parameter allows increasing the maximum block size to a higher value.


For QuickShare tiny URLs this parameter describes how many random bytes are used in the URL to avoid that anonymous users can try out QuickShare URLs by entering all combinations. The default is 8, with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 254.


If set to TRUE, this parameter lets “websharesrv” append a record to the system messages if, due to the IP access list, access to one or more users has been denied.


This preference specifies the maximum resolution for image previews in the gallery view. If the value of the preference is set to 0, the gallery view mode is not available (the corresponding button in the File > Set View > Gallery menu is grayed out or hidden, depending on the Show Disabled Buttons setting of the used branding, see Toolbar in 4.7.1 “Create and configure brandings”).

If the specified value is less than 32 the WebShare Web Server assumes 32 as the maximum size.

65536 (64 x 1024)

Specifies the maximum number of TCP data bytes that are passed from the clients to “websharesrv” over the network during a transaction. The number of bytes may need to be limited if the buffer size in the UNIX server is too small. TcpRecvSize can be varied to optimize the data transfer rate.

65536 (64 x 1024)

Specifies the maximum number of TCP data bytes that are passed from “websharesrv” to the clients over the network during a transaction. The number of bytes may need to be limited if the buffer size in the UNIX server is too small. TcpSendSize can be varied to optimize the data transfer rate.


Changed values in TcpRecvSize and TcpSendSize will automatically be assigned to the WebShare Web Server as well, for the next login.

30 (in MB)

Specifies the cache size value of the WebShare File Server for preview files. It corresponds to the Cache Size in MB value in the WebShare “Server Preferences” menu.


The default value for CacheSize is 30 (MB), due to the usually limited disk space in “HELIOSDIR/var”. If you change the CacheDir preference to another path, it is recommended to set CacheSize to a value of at least 300 (MB).


Specifies whether users are allowed to log on to the WebShare File Server with their host login name. The setting reflects that of the Enable WebShare for Host Users checkbox in the Webshare “Server Preferences” menu.


Specifies whether users are allowed to log on to the WebShare File Server with their (virtual) WebShare login name. The setting reflects that of the Enable WebShare for Virtual Users checkbox in the Webshare “Server Preferences” menu.


Specifies an e-mail address to which a notification is sent as soon as a client with Admin rights logs on to the WebShare File Server. It corresponds to the E-Mail Notification on Admin Login entry in the Webshare “Server Preferences” menu.


Make sure that the complete receiver account is specified, e.g. webshare@mycompany.com


Specifies an e-mail address to which a notification is sent as soon as a user logs on to the WebShare File Server. It corresponds to the E-Mail Notification on User Login entry in the Webshare “Server Preferences” menu.


Make sure that the complete receiver account is specified, e.g. webshare@mycompany.com


If set to TRUE, this preference enables the sharepoint preferences AllRead and AllReadWrite. In that case, the additional options Always Allow Reading and Always Allow Read/Write (see 8.5.2 “Sharepoint preference keys”) will be shown in the “Sharepoint Administration” page.


It may considerably reduce host security to set the AllowAllReadWrite flag to TRUE because if required, host access rights are bypassed, with all user processes changing to “root” processes!

"dd MMM yyyy kk:mm"

Specifies the format with which the date is displayed in the directory listing of the “Sharepoint” menu. It corresponds to the Directory Listing Date Format entry in the Webshare “Server Preferences” menu. Also, this preference specifies the required syntax for the Expires field in the “User Administration” page. See Date format in 4.1 “Server Preferences”.

"CromalinEuro 1.0 UCR370,…"

Specifies those profiles from the “ICC-Profiles” volume that should be available in the ICC Proof Simulation pop-up menu in the WebShare proof window.


If this preference is set to TRUE, WebShare users are allowed to upload and administer their own monitor and printer ICC profiles on the “My User Preferences” administration page. It corresponds to the Allow ICC Profiles per User entry in the WebShare “Server Preferences” menu.


Specifies whether e-mail notification is used at all.


If set to TRUE, this preference sends an e-mail, as soon as a WebShare action script is executed, to the address that is specified in the E-Mail on Access field on the “Sharepoint Administration” page. See EmailAccess.


Specifies the default encoding method when downloading files on Windows clients. The setting reflects that of the Default Windows Encoding pop-up menu on the “WebShare Server Preferences” menu.


Specifies the default encoding method when downloading files on Mac clients. The setting reflects that of the Default Mac OS Encoding pop-up menu in the WebShare “Server Preferences” menu.


If set to TRUE, hidden files (“dot files” and files which have been marked as hidden in an EtherShare volume) are displayed in a sharepoint directory listing.


Specifies file names which should always be hidden in a directory listing.

(see description)

Specifies the (comma-separated) pixel/resolution values which are available in the “Sharepoint” preview pop-up menu. The “zoom icon” resolution values are defined in the “Branding Editor > Branding > Preview Resolutions 1-4” preference, and are not affected by this preference.

By default, the following resolutions are available:

36 dpi,72 dpi,96 dpi,144 dpi,128 pixel,256 pixel,512 pixel,768 pixel,1024 pixel


Allows specifying suffixes for custom file types that are to be previewed in WebShare and which must be processed first (according to the rules given in the “wspreview.pl” script). For example, doc,xls,ppt (no blanks!) can be specified for Microsoft Office documents which, if required, are processed by Tool Server with the “OfficeReader” script.


If this preference is set, the specified users have only URL based WebShare web access. See also the AllowLinkShares preference.


If this preference is set, the specified users have only URL based WebShare image fetching access. This allows setting up a special user (real or virtual) for remote URL image-only access. If somebody tries to steal the URL specified user name and password for a manual WebShare login, this will be denied. See also the AllowLinkShares preference.


Specifying the same user name(s) with both preferences URLWebOnlyUsers and URLImageOnlyUsers will cause that the access for the specified user(s) is denied at all – be it via URL Share Access or manual login. So make sure to use different user names with both preferences!

The following keys require a restart (see “srvutil” in the HELIOS Base manual) of the service to take effect:
see description

Allows limiting the WebShare user count. The “Universal File Server” license allows access from EtherShare, PCShare, and WebShare. Each service counts against the “Universal User” count. So it is possible that many WebShare users use up all available user licenses, so that no EtherShare or PCShare login is possible anymore.


Starting with 60 “Universal Users”, WebShare can be used with unlimited users. In this case, WebShare users do not affect EtherShare or PCShare logins, so it makes no sense to set this preference.


Specifies the WebShare File Server port number. Additional TCP ports (up to a total of five) will automatically be allocated as needed by the WebShare File Server.


The value of the TcpPort preference needs to be identical with the WebShare Web Server preference WSHostPort (7.5 “Preferences”). If there should be the need to change a value, then make sure that both preference keys are assigned the same value!


Specifies the “telnet” service port number of the WebShare File Server.

(see description)

Specifies the maximum number of workstations (clients) that are permitted to work on the WebShare File Server simultaneously. This value should normally be the same as the total number of workstations that are connected to the WebShare File Server, and should be less than or equal to the number of sessions allowed by your software license. The default value for sessions is the number of sessions allowed by your software license.

(see description)

Specifies the lowest number allowed for user IDs. All host users which have a lower user ID than that specified by minuid, and all virtual users running as a host user with a user ID lower than that specified by minuid, are not permitted to log in. The default behavior is that all IDs are allowed.

(see description)

Specifies the highest number allowed for user IDs. All host users which have a higher user ID than that specified by maxuid, and all virtual users running as a host user with a user ID higher than that specified by maxuid, are not permited to log in. The default behavior is that all IDs are allowed.


Specifies the file containing the access list with the IP addresses which are permitted to log on to “websharesrv”. See HELIOS Base manual.


Specifies the directory which contains the preview files on the WebShare File Server. It corresponds to the Cache Directory entry in the “WebShare Server Preferences” menu.


This directory must already exist and have rwx (read-write-execute) permissions for all.


If set to FALSE, antialiasing for PDF previews is deactivated.

8.5.2 Sharepoint preference keys

The following keys take effect immediately:

Key: Programs/websharesrv/Shares/<sharename>/<preference>


Specifies the sharepoint path. It corresponds to the Sharepoint Path entry in “Sharepoint Administration”.


Specifies whether a sharepoint is published in the “Home” menu. The setting reflects that of the Publish checkbox in the “Sharepoint Administration” page.


Specifies an e-mail address for notification mails on user access and action to the selected sharepoint. It corresponds to the E-Mail on Access entry on the “Sharepoint Administration” page. Make sure that the complete receiver account is specified, e.g. webshare@mycompany.com.


Specifies whether user action notification mails, as stated in the EmailAccess preference, are issued after the user has logged out, which is the default behavior, or – if set to FALSE – immediately after each file download, upload or deletion done by a user.


If set to FALSE, no notifications for previews are issued at all because this would result in a flood of notification mails.


Specifies a comment on the selected sharepoint. It corresponds to the Comments entry on the “Sharepoint Administration” page.


With this preference set to TRUE, Quickshares can be assigned to files organized in this sharepoint. The setting reflects that of the Allow Quickshares checkbox on the “Sharepoint Administration” page.


With this preference set to TRUE, annotations can be added to a document. The setting reflects that of the Allow Annotations checkbox on the “Sharepoint Administration” page.


Specifies whether previews of images in the sharepoint are allowed. The setting reflects that of the Allow Preview checkbox on the “Sharepoint Administration” page.


Specifies whether downloading files from the sharepoint is allowed. The setting reflects that of the Allow Download checkbox on the “Sharepoint Administration” page.


Specifies whether uploading files to the sharepoint is allowed. The setting reflects that of the Allow Upload checkbox on the “Sharepoint Administration” page.


Specifies whether renaming files and directories in the sharepoint is allowed. The setting reflects that of the Allow Rename checkbox on the “Sharepoint Administration” page. Setting this preference allows changing permissions, too.


Specifies whether copying files to the sharepoint and creating directories is allowed. The setting reflects that of the Allow Copy checkbox on the “Sharepoint Administration” page.


Specifies whether deleting files in the sharepoint is allowed. The setting reflects that of the Allow Delete checkbox on the “Sharepoint Administration” page.


Specifies whether file read access in the sharepoint is enabled for all users, irrespective of the server file access settings. Read access includes file download and preview. The setting reflects that of the Always Allow Reading checkbox on the “Sharepoint Administration” page. This preference must first be enabled by the WebShare administration preference key AllowAllReadWrite.


Specifies whether file read/write access in the sharepoint is enabled for all users, irrespective of the server file access settings. Read/write access includes file download, upload and preview. The setting reflects that of the Always Allow Read/Write checkbox in the “Sharepoint Administration” page. This preference must first be enabled by the WebShare administration preference key AllowAllReadWrite.


If set to TRUE, only layouts of the images in the sharepoint can be downloaded. The setting reflects that of the Download Layouts only checkbox in the “Sharepoint Administration” page. For this preference to be enabled, the WebShare File Server preference AllowDownload must be set to TRUE.


Specifies one or more user names for which the sharepoint is available. If no names are specified, the sharepoint is available for all users. It corresponds to entries in Allowed Users on the “Sharepoint Administration” page.


Specifies one or more group names for whose members the sharepoint is available. If no names are specified, the sharepoint is available for all groups. It corresponds to entries in Allowed Groups on the “Sharepoint Administration” page.

For WebShare, the sharepoint (volume) key is the name of the sharepoint, for example “WebShare Public”, whereas for EtherShare and PCShare the volume key is the directory path, for example “/demovol”.

To set up a sharepoint “Mycompany Public”, similar to the “WebShare Public” by using “prefvalue”, the following prefvalue sequences must be called:

# prefvalue -k "Programs/websharesrv/Shares/Mycompany Public/
Path" -t str "/mycompany/public/WebShare"

# prefvalue -k "Programs/websharesrv/Shares/Mycompany Public/
AllowDownload" -t bool TRUE

# prefvalue -k "Programs/websharesrv/Shares/Mycompany Public/
AllowPreview" -t bool TRUE

By default, the Publish flag is set, therefore it need not be specified.

8.5.3 Quickshare preference keys

The following keys require a new login to take effect:

Key: Programs/websharesrv/Quickshares/<QS #>/<preference>


Specifies if a Quickshare is active. Setting a Quickshare status to FALSE, does not mean that the Quickshare is deleted but it is not available for remote users. The setting reflects that of the Active checkbox on the “Quickshare Administration” page.


Specifies the name of the WebShare user to whom the Quickshare was assigned. The setting reflects the first part of the content of the Quickshare User pop-up menu on the “Quickshare Administration” page.


This preference states the WebShare sharepoint that a Quickshare points to. The setting reflects the content of the Sharepoint text field on the “Quickshare Administration” page.


This preference states the path that a Quickshare points to. The setting reflects the content of the Path text field in the “Quickshare Administration” page.


This preference allows you to enter an expiry date after which the Quickshare becomes void. The setting reflects the content of the Expires text field on the “Quickshare Administration” page.


This preference allows you to enter a comment for the remote Quickshare user. The setting reflects the content of the Comment text field on the “Quickshare Administration” page.


This preference states the creator of a Quickshare. The setting reflects the content of the Creator text field on the “Quickshare Administration” page.


Specifies the e-mail address of the logged-in user who created the Quickshare.


This preference states the file(s) that are provided via the Quickshare link. The setting reflects the content of the Files text field on the “Quickshare Administration” page.


If this preference is set to TRUE, the creator of a Quickshare is notified by e-mail if a user opens a Quickshare. The setting reflects the state of the E-Mail on Access checkbox on the “Quickshare Administration” page.


If set to TRUE, this preference allows a Quickshare user to download files via Quickshare link. The setting reflects the state of the Allow Download checkbox on the “Quickshare Administration” page.


If set to TRUE, this preference allows a Quickshare user to upload files via Quickshare link. The setting reflects the state of the Allow Upload checkbox on the “Quickshare Administration” page.


If set to TRUE, this preference allows a Quickshare user to preview files via Quickshare link. The setting reflects the state of the Allow Preview checkbox on the “Quickshare Administration” page.


Specifies a random suffix string for the Quickshare URL (compare Fig. 4.4). This prevents clients from accessing Quickshares with empty passwords (see QuickshareEmptyPassword above) by simply entering Quickshare IDs.

8.5.4 Web Server preference keys HELIOS Admin needs to know

The following keys require a new login on HELIOS Admin Server to take effect:

Key: Programs/websharesrv/websharewoa/<webserver>/<preference>

When HELIOS Admin displays the “Quickshare” edit dialog, it includes information about the Web Server and URL.

If the WebShare File Server and Web Server are installed on different machines, HELIOS Admin needs to know the WebShare Web Server configuration for the following preference keys:

For <webserver> in the preference key use the complete WebShare Web Server name or IP address, e.g.:

Example 1
 (using the complete WebShare Web Server name):


Example 2
 (using the complete WebShare Web Server IP address):

If for example the WebShare Web Server has the changed SSLPort 4430, this would be the prefvalue call to set:

prefvalue -k "Programs/websharesrv/websharewoa/mywebserver.domain.com
   /SSLPort" -t int 4430

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HELIOS Manuals January 10, 2020