WebShare UB64
User manual (Version 4.0.0)
1 About the chapters of this manual
2 An introduction to HELIOS WebShare
3 Installation
4 Administration
5 HELIOS Admin
6 Using WebShare
7 WebShare Web Server
8 WebShare File Server
9 HELIOS Document Hub
10 WebShare security
A Special characters in file names
B WOStarter – Web service health check
C Technical notes
1 About the chapters of this manual
2 An introduction to HELIOS WebShare
2.1 New WebShare features
2.2 Client file transfer and syncing applications included with WebShare
2.2.1 WebShare Manager
2.2.2 Document Hub
2.3 Integration with other HELIOS products
3 Installation
3.1 Different setups
3.1.1 General overview
3.1.2 Software firewall (Internet)
3.1.3 Hardware firewall (Internet)
3.1.4 Hardware firewall (Intranet)
3.1.5 Single-server solution
3.2 WebShare Web Server installation
3.2.1 System requirements
3.2.2 Software installation
3.2.3 Verifying the installation
3.3 WebShare File Server installation
3.3.1 System requirements
3.3.2 Software installation and licensing
3.3.3 Verifying the installation
4 Administration
4.1 Server Preferences
4.2 Quickshare Administration
4.3 User Administration
4.4 Organize sharepoints
4.5 Sharepoint Administration
4.6 Accounting
4.7 Branding Editor
4.7.1 Create and configure brandings
4.7.2 Import brandings
4.7.3 Brandings and the “style” file
4.7.4 Add custom file icons
4.7.5 Add custom banner images
4.7.6 Banner image URL mapping
4.7.7 Add custom banner text
4.7.8 Customize brandings via CSS
4.7.9 Customize brandings via JavaScript
4.7.10 Custom toolbar icons
4.7.11 Custom actions icons
4.8 Java Server Statistics
4.8.1 WebShare Server Information
4.8.2 WebShare Java Information
4.8.3 WebShare User Statistics
4.9 HELIOS Icon Collector
4.9.1 Icon Collector (Windows)
4.9.2 Icon Collector (OS X)
4.9.3 Usage
4.10 WebShare URL Share Access
4.10.1 Required parameter
4.10.2 Login parameters
4.10.3 Path parameters
4.10.4 Image parameters
4.10.5 Response parameter
4.10.6 Image only parameters
4.10.7 Preview page parameters
4.10.8 Examples
4.10.9 URL Share Access Helper
4.10.10 Security considerations
4.11 WebShare catalog presentation
4.12 Troubleshooting
4.12.1 Limitations
5 HELIOS Admin
5.1 General remarks
5.2 WebShare Server Settings
5.3 Sharepoints
5.4 WebShare Users
5.5 WebShare log file
6 Using WebShare
6.1 WebShare File Server login
6.2 WebShare access keys
6.3 Work in a sharepoint
6.3.1 The WebShare toolbar
6.3.2 Add file comments
6.3.3 Note on file access permissions
6.3.4 Logout
6.4 Image and document previews
6.4.1 Preview of images and single document pages
6.4.2 “Color Info”
6.4.3 “Annotations”
6.4.4 Previews of multiple-page documents
6.4.5 Banner and trailer files per document
6.4.6 Preview/proof print settings
6.5 Remote Proofing
6.6 WebShare Quickshares
6.6.1 Create Quickshares
6.6.2 Manage your own Quickshares
6.6.3 Upload files to a Quickshare
6.7 My User Preferences
6.8 WebShare file format support
6.8.1 Supported upload formats
6.8.2 Supported download formats
6.9 Supported browsers
7 WebShare Web Server
7.1 WebShare license information
7.2 WebShare Web Server files
7.3 Customization/Localization
7.3.1 Customizing “*.html” files
7.3.2 Customizing “*.wod” files
7.3.3 Customizing action scripts
7.3.4 Adding additional language localizations
7.4 HTTP/SSL support
7.4.1 Introduction
7.4.2 Background
7.4.3 Quick setup with the built-in “default” certificate
7.4.4 Security tools (Oracle Java 6 or newer)
7.4.5 Creating a server certificate
7.4.6 Completion
7.4.7 Q & A
7.4.8 Known issues
7.5 Preferences
7.5.1 WOStarter preference keys
8 WebShare File Server
8.1 User configuration file
8.2 WebShare user settings file
8.2.1 WSProperties
8.3 WebShare utility programs
8.3.1 zipstream
8.3.2 unzipstream
8.3.3 wscommon.pm
8.3.4 Action script environment variables
8.3.5 wscopy.pl
8.3.6 wsmove.pl
8.3.7 wsdownload.pl
8.3.8 wsdup.pl
8.3.9 wsmkdir.pl
8.3.10 wsmv.pl
8.3.11 wspreview.pl
8.3.12 wsforgotpw.pl
8.3.13 wsregnewuser.pl
8.3.14 wsrm.pl
8.3.15 wsperm.pl
8.3.16 wsupload.pl
8.3.17 wsuploadmv.pl
8.3.18 WebShare File Server service port
8.4 WebShare scripts
8.4.1 Custom scripts
8.4.2 Debugging WebShare scripts
8.4.3 Sample action scripts
8.4.4 Calling action scripts via JavaScript
8.5 Preferences
8.5.1 WebShare File Server preference keys
8.5.2 Sharepoint preference keys
8.5.3 Quickshare preference keys
8.5.4 Web Server preference keys HELIOS Admin needs to know
9 HELIOS Document Hub
10 WebShare security
10.1 Security considerations
10.1.1 WebShare Web Server
10.1.2 WebShare File Server
10.1.3 Server setup
10.1.4 Firewalls
10.1.5 Access from the WebShare Web Server to the WebShare File Server
10.1.6 Symbolic links within sharepoints
10.1.7 Action scripts
10.1.8 Allow all Read or Read/Write access in sharepoints
10.1.9 “wsaddshare” and “wslogin” scripts
10.1.10 No content security
10.1.11 Switching WebShare to port 80 on the WebShare Web Server
A Special characters in file names
B WOStarter – Web service health check
C Technical notes
C.1 WebShare log file structure
© 2015 HELIOS Software GmbH
January 10, 2020