PDF HandShake UB2 User manual (Version 4.0.0)  

13 HELIOS Tool Server

HELIOS Tool Server allows integrating remote applications/tools to be used by a main server. Certain applications and technologies are only available on a special platform. Instead of reinventing these required applications and technologies, Tool Server makes them remotely available on any major server platform. Tool Server provides the platform and already includes several useful tools – additional tools can be added by the user. HELIOS provided tools and/or samples are installed in minutes.

The main goal is to make remote applications/tools very easy to use, therefore HELIOS Tool Server comes with a dedicated license-free installation which installs on any major platform. The “toolclient” application detects all servers automatically by using mDNS (“Bonjour”) and choosing the server that offers the required service and provides best computing performance. Automatic job load balancing, file transfers, processing, auditing and error handling makes it very easy to use.

See the HELIOS Tool Server online user manual at: HELIOS user manuals

HELIOS Website © 2011 HELIOS Software GmbH  
HELIOS Manuals November 28, 2012