HELIOS Software earns Fogra soft proof certification
HELIOS WebShare UB+ remote proof displayed on Quato Intelli Proof 240 excellence monitor earns Fogra soft proofing system certification. High quality remote soft proof by HELIOS WebShare is time and cost saving alternative to proof prints.
Hannover, Germany, February 24, 2010 – HELIOS WebShare UB+ has been certified by the Fogra Graphic Technology Research Association for soft proofs in compliance with FOGRA39 conditions. Along with the Quato monitors Intelli Proof 240 excellence LED, Intelli Proof 240 excellence, and Intelli Proof 262 excellence, HELIOS WebShare UB+ received the coveted FograCert soft proof certification for high-quality visual matching of a FOGRA39 (ISOcoatedv2) printed reference. Awarding the respected soft proof certificate to the HELIOS web-based proof solution, Fogra recognizes soft proofs as a fully qualified contract proof.
The FograCert soft proofing system specifies detailed technical requirements for a soft proofing system to visually match a printing condition. HELIOS WebShare UB+ proofs displayed in a web browser via a Quato proof monitor produced an excellent quality visual match to the printed reference. Web-based remote proofing is a promising, time effective and cost reducing alternative to proof prints. HELIOS WebShare UB+ remote proofing is an excellent solution to save time and money for designers, printers, and their clients, as well as print and web production teams, who must collaborate, often at a distance, to produce the desired product.
“Proofing is an important part of each production workflow. With HELIOS WebShare UB+ remote soft proofing we have enhanced the HELIOS proof capabilities”, states Helmut Tschemernjak, CEO of HELIOS Software GmbH. “HELIOS local and remote proofing solutions can be used by all parties throughout the production process, to speed up creation and collaboration, and to save additional time and money downstream by preventing surprises”.
The FograCert is another official recognition of the outstanding quality of the HELIOS proofing solutions. In 2009 the IPA (International Prepress Association) Proofing RoundUP confirmed that HELIOS WebShare proofing produced excellent results on a remote non-PostScript Epson R2880 inkjet printer. The IPA Proofing RoundUP results and the FograCert underscore that HELIOS WebShare UB+ proofing is an excellent solution for soft proofs as well as printed proofs, both for local use as well as for remote access.
Benefits of the HELIOS WebShare UB+ remote proof solution include:
- Reliable remote soft proof now certified by Fogra, accelerates approval workflows
- High quality remote proof printing on standard inkjet printer reduces proofing costs
- Versatile proofing features allow for customer specific approval set-ups
- Easy to use remote proofing supports remote approval collaborations
- Excellent soft proof and proof printing capabilities via any web browser
- No hidden proofing costs or "click charges" as remote proofing is integral part of HELIOS WebShare
Technical details of the FograCert certification of the HELIOS WebShare remote proofing solution, as well as descriptions of additional proofing features of the HELIOS Server Solution Suite can be found at the new HELIOS web site www.helios.de.