First steps after downloading the HELIOS test drive software

Before starting the installation of the HELIOS test drive software, please read the supported platforms section carefully.


  • Download the software, which is available as a “TestDrive.tar” archive

On UNIX systems


On standard UNIX systems, extract the “TestDrive.tar” archive with the following command:


First log in as user “root”.

Then go to a directory with approx. 170 MB free disk space (example uses “/tmp”) and enter:


# cd /tmp

# tar xvf /tmp/TestDrive.tar

# cd TestDrive

# ./installer


Please note that the file name “/tmp/TestDrive.tar” needs to be replaced with the correct path name of your download. It is NOT required to unpack the downloaded file in the “/tmp” directory. Any folder with sufficient free disk space will work.


Then follow the instructions given in the HELIOS Base manual.


For OS X systems


On OS X systems, the installation media can be extracted by double-clicking it.


Then follow the instructions given in the HELIOS Base manual


For Windows systems


On Windows systems, the installation media can be mounted by double-clicking it. Open the “windows” folder. Double-click on the “HELIOS Installer.exe” program file.


Then follow the instructions given in the HELIOS Base manual.


All systems


After the installation has been completed all HELIOS documentation is available (PDF) in the “HELIOS Applications” server volume, which is accessible from Windows and Mac clients.


The HELIOS product documentation is also available online (HTML).


Please note that you do not need to enter or modify any software license keys. The test drive download already includes ready-to-go licenses for 3 users.


Please note that more than one concurrent test drive installation in one network is not supported, and will result in startup failures of the second copy!