HELIOS Tool Server Examples

HELIOS Tool Server allows integrating remote applications / tools to be used by a main server. Certain applications and technologies are only available on a special platform. Instead of reinventing these required applications and technologies, Tool Server makes them remotely available on any major server platform. Tool Server provides the infrastructure and already includes several useful tools – additional tools can be added by the user.

HELIOS tools

html2pdf Mac
Convert HTML to PDF utilizing Apple's WebKit technology.
pdf2bmp Mac
Create RGB bitmap previews using Mac OS X rendering technologies.
pdfflatten Mac, Win
Flatten PDF documents by automating Adobe Acrobat 8.1.
osxapplescript Mac
Launch tool for AppleScripts.
raw2tiff Mac
Converts RAW files to TIFF using Mac OS X built-in RAW support.
OfficeReader Win
Generates previews of Office documents, using Office 2007 (Win) and Office 2011 (Mac).
sharpen-psd.applescript Mac
Example AppleScript which sharpens a JPEG image using Photoshop CS3.
action-psd-cs2.applescript Mac
Example AppleScript which does image manipulation using a Photoshop CS2 action macro.

New HELIOS tools

The new HELIOS tools can be downloaded via HELIOS WebShare at:
Server: http://webshare.helios.de
User name: tools
Password: tools
Sharepoint: “HELIOS Tools” > “HELIOS Tool Server” > “HELIOS Sample Scripts”
listperl.pl UNIX, Mac, Win
Sample Perl script, which lists a remote directory.
Visual Basic tool Win
Sample Visual Basic tool, which lists a remote directory.
Visual Basic 2005
REALBasic tool Linux, Win, Mac
Sample REALbasic tool, which lists a remote directory.
REALBasic 2010r1

HELIOS product data sheets