HELIOS ImageServer includes a Script Server service that implements a file event-driven hot folder mechanism for immediate and automatic batch processing and workflow automation. Configuration and administration is easily done from PC, Mac, and Web environments via HELIOS Admin.
printps.pl |
UNIX, Mac, Win |
Print PostScript files to a specified printer. |
printtext.pl |
UNIX, Mac, Win |
Print text files to a specified printer. |
inspectpdf.pl 1) |
UNIX, Mac, Win |
Analyze and preflight PDF files. |
pdfresolve.pl 1) |
UNIX, Mac, Win |
Replace OPI images and forms within PDF documents. |
printpdf.pl 1) |
UNIX, Mac, Win |
Print a PDF file to a specified PostScript printer. |
printpdfOptions.pl 1) |
UNIX, Mac, Win |
Like “printpdf.pl” but with the capability to specify additional printing options.
splitPDF.pl 1) |
UNIX, Mac, Win |
Split a PDF file into single pages. |
convpdf2eps.pl 1) |
UNIX, Mac, Win |
Convert a PDF page to a high-resolution vector EPSF file. |
convert2Lab.pl 2) |
UNIX, Mac, Win |
Convert all ImageServer supported file types into CIE-Lab TIFF color space.
webpicts.pl 2) |
UNIX, Mac, Win |
Accept any image file and generate a web PNG file (128x128 pixel).
webjpeg.pl 2) |
UNIX, Mac, Win |
Accept any image file and generate a web JPEG file (128x128 pixel). |
archiver.pl |
UNIX, Mac, Win |
Create disk image when files and folders are copied into a hot folder. |
eps2jpeg.pl 3) |
UNIX, Mac, Win |
Convert a CMYK vector EPSF file to RGB-JPEG preview. |
setimgdpi.pl |
UNIX, Mac, Win |
Tag images with a specified image resolution. |
setimgsize.pl |
UNIX, Mac, Win |
Tag images with specified image dimensions. |
pdfCorrect CLI |
UNIX, Mac |
callas software's |
pdfColorConvert CLI |
UNIX, Mac |
The callas software |
K-Collect |
UNIX, Mac |
imageConvert 2) |
UNIX, Mac |
PDFopiresolve 1) |
UNIX, Mac |
PDF resolving is done in a HELIOS Script Server hot folder. The original and resolved PDF files are placed in adequate subfolders. In case of an error the files are placed with an error report to a specific error folder. Existing file name prefixes and suffixes can be exchanged or added to mark the resolved file. |
FlowView Pro |
UNIX, Mac |
Available as hot folder scripts and |
HeliosPDFTools Package |
UNIX, Mac |
The |
callas software CLI Package 4) |
UNIX, Mac |
Together with |
HeliosImageTools Package |
UNIX, Mac |
Available as hot folder scripts and |
ProfileTools Package |
UNIX, Mac |
Available as hot folder scripts and |
FileConversionTools Package |
UNIX, Mac |
Available as hot folder scripts and |
FileTools Package |
UNIX, Mac |
Available as hot folder scripts and |
ScriptingTools Package |
UNIX, Mac |
Available as hot folder scripts and |
FileTransferTools Package |
UNIX, Mac |
Available as hot folder scripts and |
PDFpreflight |
UNIX, Mac |
1) HELIOS PDF HandShake required
2) HELIOS PDF HandShake required for PDF conversion
3) HELIOS PrintPreview required
4) Solaris, Linux, Mac OS X