Support for previews of transparent PDFs
Support for PostScript OPI of transparent PDFs 1)
Support for flattening of transparent PDF documents 2)
HELIOS Tool Server solution for automated (remote) client applications
Enhanced compatibility with existing PDF files
Accurate ImageServer layouts and previews of PDFs (e.g. knockouts and overprints)
Create PDF Server for Acrobat 8 (Windows)
New: Create PDF Server for Acrobat 8 on Windows
Introduction “Create PDF Server”
PDF HandShake Print plug-in for Acrobat 8
Allows the easy selection of advanced printing options:
In-RIP separations
Preserve PDF halftones
Ignore ICC profiles
Tool Server
HELIOS Tool Server is a three-component solution for automating (remote) client applications. It is included with HELIOS ImageServer or PDF HandShake. Check additional information on the
New Features in HELIOS Tool Server UB+ page.
Additional PDF functionality via PDF HandShake:
HTML to PDF conversion (via HELIOS “toolclient” application)
PDF flattening (via HELIOS “toolclient” application)
PDF preflighting
PDF HandShake UB+ incorporates pdfInspektor 4 (from callas software). pdfInspektor 4 is compatible with the Acrobat 8 preflight profiles. It utilizes the same underlying PDF check technology that is used in Adobe Acrobat 8.
Smart ICC 4 color management
DeviceLink ICC support
Grayscale ICC support
BPC (Black Point Compensation) which is a special treatment of low tones (darker areas) in conversions

Additional option to preserve a primary color in images (PureBlack, PureGrays, PureWhite, PureCMY), which can be changed irrespective of vector primary colors (PureVectorBlack, PureVectorGrays, PureVectorWhite, PureVectorCMY)
New HELIOS ICC Tagger application to tag ICC profiles to images (Mac and Windows)
Additional ICC profiles, (“sRGBv2” is now default)
CD024: New functions
Fixes in the PDF HandShake Print plug-in for Acrobat 8 on Mac Intel clients
PDF Type-1 CID support (Asian fonts support)
TrueType CID support (Asian fonts support)
PDF library enhancements offer higher compatibility
Create PDF Server support for Acrobat 9 on Windows
1) ImageServer UB+ is needed for OPI and image conversion
2) Tool Server and Adobe Acrobat required