Hinweis: Dieses Kapitel wurde nicht übersetzt, um die Eindeutigkeit der Beschreibung zu bewahren.
This chapter lists all the preferences that are pertinent to PDF HandShake. Find a description of how to set, view, change or delete preferences, with the HELIOS utility programs " prefdump", "prefvalue", and "prefrestore", in the Base manual.
Important: Make sure that preference keys DO NOT start or end with a slash ("/") character, and note that they are case-sensitive! Also, if any preference key or preference value includes spaces, that key or value must be enclosed in quotes.
14.1 Globale PDF Präferenzen
PDF Settings dialog window)
Key: Global/Opi/Formats/PDF ///<preference>
(HELIOS Admin option
PDF OPI Layout Generation)
Enables the automatic generation of layout files from PDF files in volumes where layout generation is enabled. You can set the preference to
FALSE if you want PDF files to be excluded from automatic layout generation.
14.2 PDF-Manager Präferenzen
Key: Library/OpenImage/ManagerPrivate/HeliosPDF
(HELIOS Admin option
Antialias Screen Preview)
If set to
TRUE, the screen preview in layout files, generated from PDF documents, offers an enhanced readability. This is recommended for monitor screen resolutions up to 96 dpi.
(HELIOS Admin option
Default RGB Profile)
Specifies the profile which is used as source profile for color data transformation of all RGB objects in PDF files that have not been tagged with a specific RGB profile.
(HELIOS Admin option
Default CMYK Profile)
Specifies the profile which is used as source profile for color data transformation of all CMYK objects in PDF files that have not been tagged with a specific CMYK profile.
(HELIOS Admin option
Exclude white colored objects in PDF files from color transformation, so that they remain
white even if color matching is done. CMYK values will be
zero, i.e. no ink is applied to the plates. The default value is
TRUE, except for proof printing, where the default value is
(HELIOS Admin option
Exclude gray colored objects in PDF files from color transformation, so that they remain
gray even if color matching is done. Gray text and vectors in Gray/RGB/CIE-Lab/
Indexed color spaces are detected and converted to
Gray only for CMYK output. The default value is
TRUE, except for proof printing, where the default value is
(HELIOS Admin option
Exclude black colored objects in PDF files from color transformation, so that they remain
black even if color matching is done. Black text and vectors in Gray/RGB/CIE-Lab/Indexed color spaces are detected and converted to
Black only for CMYK output. The default value is
TRUE, except for proof printing, where the default value is
This parameter controls the PDF HandShake virtual RIP memory (in bytes) for creating screen previews in layout files from PDF files. You should use the parameter to enter a value higher than the default - lower values are not recommended.
This parameter controls the PDF HandShake global virtual RIP memory (in bytes) for creating screen previews in layout files from PDF files. You should use the parameter to enter a value higher than the default - lower values are not recommended.
Hair lines are lines with a width of zero, meaning the thinnest line that a PostScript device can produce. The results of rendering such "zero-width" lines are device-dependent, and on high-res devices they are nearly invisible. If this preference is set to a non-negative value the width of all hair lines in PDF files is set to that value for printing and layout generation.
14.3 PDF Drucker Präferenzen
Key: Printers/<printer queue>/<preference>
(HELIOS Admin option
Check ICC Profiles for Pictures)
This preference will induce the OPI server to check whether all image profiles that have been tagged to any of the image files are available. The server will automatically stop the print job if a single profile is missing and issue a corresponding error message. If you set
CheckICCProfiles to
FALSE, OPI will execute all print jobs and use standard profiles for color matching whenever the correct profile is missing.
(HELIOS Admin option
PostScript3/DeviceN Output)
This preference should only be set to
TRUE for OPI image replacement. If you want to print a PDF document with output optimized to use the PostScript 3/DeviceN feature, you must print it using the "pdfprint" command line tool with the appropriate option (see
8.1 "pdfprint").
(HELIOS Admin pop-up menu
Default Printer Profile)
This preference specifies the path name of the default ICC profile describing the printing device. Can be overridden using the HELIOS ColorSync 2 XT.
(HELIOS Admin pop-up menu
Default Proof Profile)
This preference specifies the path name of the default ICC profile describing the proof device. The string will only be recognized if a default printer profile is set. Can be overridden using the HELIOS ColorSync 2 XT.
This preference sets the color space used while printing composite. The default is CMYK. Setting this option to None causes all color images in a print job to be kept and printed in their original color space. This applies to CMYK, CIE-Lab and RGB images only. Valid strings are
"RGB", and
"CIELab". Please note that the value you choose for this preference can be overridden by the printer profile you have selected using HELIOS ColorSync 2 XT or using the
DefaultPrinterProfile option.
14.3.1 "pdfif" Präferenzen
(HELIOS Admin option
Host Name)
This preference specifies the host name of the machine where the CreatePDF Server/Acrobat Distiller is installed.
(HELIOS Admin option
Name Prefix)
This preference will only be recognized if
distilldir is specified as well. With "string", you can define a file name prefix for all PDF files that are sent to the selected directory. This can help you classify your PDF files if you have several "Create PDF" queues and save all PDF files into the same directory.
(HELIOS Admin option
UNIX Directory)
This preference specifies the path of the directory where the generated PDF files are saved.
This preference determines if a PDF file is created at all.
(HELIOS Admin option
Notify Program)
This preference will only be recognized if
distilldir is specified as well. With this preference the path of the "distillnotify" program is specified.
E.g.: distillnotifyprog=/usr/local/bin/crpdfnotify
"pdfif" exports the following environment variables during the program call:
<environment variable for the HELIOS install path>
<user name (if available) of print job creator>
<user name (if available) as known to "lpd">
<name (if available) of server which hosts the printer queue>
<print job title (if available)>
<logical (UNIX) name of the printer queue>
<expected number of pages. This value may differ slightly from the actual number>
<expected print job size (in bytes). The stated value is often smaller than the actual size>
<name of created PDF file>
Specifies if any resolving is done within a PostScript job. When a print job is processed to a "Create PDF" queue, and the switch is set to
FALSE, the print job remains "untouched" and is passed on without any changes.
(HELIOS Admin option
Create folder for each user)
Specifies if the PDF files are stored in a folder per user.
Specifies the TCP write buffer size in bytes.
Specifies the TCP read buffer size in bytes.
If set to
TRUE, this preference determines that the PDF page size is taken automatically from the BoundingBox if the job is an EPSF file rather than a PostScript file. This preference is only meaningful if
distillresolve is set to
TRUE as well.
14.4 Ghostscript Create PDF Präferenzen
The following keys require a service restart to take effect:
Key: Programs/createpdf/<preference>
Full path to the Ghostscript executable. If the preference is not defined, an executable "gs" is searched in the following locations:
/usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/bin, /bin, /opt/bin, /opt/local/bin.
If Ghostscript is not installed in one of these locations, you must set this preference.
prefvalue -k Programs/createpdf/ghostscript -t str /sw/bin/gs
("gs" is installed in "/sw/bin").
Specifies the TCP/IP port number where to listen for jobs.
TCP/IP interface address used by the "createpdf" service. If the preference is not set, "createpdf" listens on the address "any", which means that connections on all interfaces are accepted.
prefvalue -k Programs/createpdf/ipaddress -t str ""
Restricts access to the local interface. In this example, only "Create PDF" printer queues running on the same host can access this "createpdf" server.
Specifies the path to a directory where temporary files are created.