Our Worldwide Distributors

HELIOS products are delivered by our distribution partners all over the world. Find the names and addresses below:



HELIOS Software France sàrl

Address: 90 Rue de la Gare, 77360 Vaires-sur-Marne, France
Phone, Fax: +33 1 8542 1035, +33 9 5896 0659
E-Mail, Web: info (at) helios.pro

HELIOS Software GmbH

Address: Feldriethe 4, 30826 Garbsen, Germany
Phone, Fax: +49 5131 70 93 20, +49 5131 70 93 25
E-Mail, Web: info (at) helios.de, www.helios.de

Splendor AS, Mr. Ole Vik

Address: Østenstadlia 3, 1392 Vettre, Norway
Phone, Fax: +47 66 90 23 00, +47 66 90 23 05
E-Mail, Web: Ole.Vik (at) connect.no, www.connect.no

MCA d.o.o.

Address: Tržaška cesta 85, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Phone, Fax: +386 2 330 14 00, +386 2 330 14 20
E-Mail, Web: info (at) mca.si

Network Innovation AB

Address: Smedjegatan 8, 131 34 Nacka, Sweden
Phone, Fax: +46 8 555 762 60, +46 8 555 762 99
E-Mail, Web: helios (at) ni.se, www.ni.se


Address: Täfernstrasse 11, 5405 Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland
Phone, Fax: +41 62 552 01 40
E-Mail, Web: info (at) scssolid.ch, www.scssolid.ch

JPY plc

Address: 5 Surbiton Hill Road, Surrey KT6 4TW Surbiton, United Kingdom
Phone, Fax: +44 20 8390 84 87, +44 20 8390 22 98
E-Mail, Web: info (at) jpy.com, www.jpy.com


The Americas

Central/South America

Grafix World LLC

Address: 2875 SW 69th Court, Miami, FL 33155 USA
Phone, Fax: +1 786 452 7534
E-Mail, Web: grafixworldllc (at) gmail.com, www.grafixworldllc.com


Other countries


DataBasics Pty Ltd.

Address: 2 Industrial Ave. Stratford, Cairns, QLD 4870, Australia
PO Box 399, Smithfield, QLD 4878, Australia
Phone, Fax: +61 7 3733 1510, +61 7 4038 3212
E-Mail, Web: info (at) databasics.com.au, www.databasics.com.au

Hulinks Inc.

Address: 5-14 Hakozaki-cho, Nihonbashi,
Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0015, Japan
Phone, Fax: +81 3 5642 8380, +81 3 5642 8381
E-Mail, Web: net.support (at) hulinks.co.jp, www.hulinks.co.jp/software/documents/helios

MicroQnix Co. Ltd.

Address: 806, ByuckSan DigitalValley II, 481-10, Gasan-dong, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea
Phone, Fax: +82 2 2113 0027, +82 2 2113 2477
E-Mail, Web: mkt (at) mqnix.co.kr, www.microqnix.com

All other countries

Note that not all Distribution Partners are listed above. If your country is not listed, please contact us and we can put you  in touch with the proper contact for your locale.