24/7 server monitoring via iPhone/iPad WiFi or 3G connections. View performance charts, service availability status, alarm messages, and system messages.
Push notifications immediately alert iPhone admins on alarms, e.g. upon service failure, server overload or alarm messages. Additional alert notification can be sent to other users by e-mail.
Charts show current and peak server network throughput, CPU utilization, memory paging, jobs, and users. A server monitoring history is maintained, to view as timeline charts for Now, Day, Week, Month, Quarter, and Year.
IT Monitor Server reports the status of services running on the server and within the network. Each service is represented by a name, a verification interval and optionally by a remote host name and access credentials. A quick glance at the iPhone shows the status of each service.
All system messages can be browsed, with filtering and sorting options to show just those items of interest. Messages can be marked (Delete/Accept/Resolved) with user/timestamp to hide processed messages for other iPhone admins.
The IT Monitior server supports adding custom functionality via CGI Web pages which will be processed on the server and displayed on the iPhone client. The CGI API is Apache compatible for easy development in any language. Included sample perl based CGI scripts:
IT Monitor Server uses HELIOS Base, which provides these core HELIOS technologies: Server fail safety, Unicode support, networking, and more.
Custom service monitoring protocols can be added by developing a script. This script will be called periodically to check the service availability. Many sample scripts are included.
Custom filter scripts for system messages allow ignoring messages or turning messages into server alarms.
The server license is tied to a specific machine. IT Monitor Server G8 is included in the HELIOS Universal File Server G8 license.
Optional maintenance agreements are available: Software Upgrade Service Agreement and cold spare licenses.