Determining kernel version details
Pre-compiled kernel modules
Compile the kernel module on your own
Red Hat does not provide AppleTalk kernel modules for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4. For common systems pre-compiled kernel modules from HELIOS are available. Optionally you may compile kernel modules on your own.
Note: This description covers Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 but should be similar on other distributions.
1. Determining kernel version details
To check your kernel version and patch details enter the following command on a shell:
# uname -r

To check the processor architecture enter the following command on a shell:
# uname -m

i386 or i686
32-bit architecture
64-bit architecture
2. Pre-compiled kernel modules
Pre-compiled kernel modules should fit for most customers. The installation is straightforward.
There are three modules available for download:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 32-bit (single CPU)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 32-bit SMP*
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 64-bit SMP*
* Symmetric Multiprocessing
Note: We compiled the modules for kernel version 2.6.9-55, which is the current version. Other or upcoming kernel patch levels, superseding level 55, have not been tested yet and may need to be compiled manually.
Download the pre-compiled kernel modules from:
User Name: tools
Password: tools
Login to WebShare and go to the HELIOS Tools sharepoint. Open the “RHEL4 AppleTalk modules” folder, select the “.tar” file that contains the appropriate kernel module for your machine and and select “Transfer” > “Download” from the menu bar.
To extract the archive, enter the following commands:
# cd /usr/local/helios
# tar xf <archive_name>
Two files are extracted from the archive:
The kernel module (“HELIOSDIR/etc/kernel/appletalk.ko”)
The pre-start script that loads the kernel module when starting the HELIOS services (“HELIOSDIR/etc/startstop/31helatalk”)
3. Compile the kernel module on your own
Note: This section addresses experts.
Log in on a shell as “root” (No “sudo” nor “su”!).
Since Red Hat does not provide the complete kernel sources, you must download the source from www.kernel.org.
Check your kernel version details (see 1. Determining kernel version details).
Go to: www.kernel.org and get the kernel source for kernel 2.6.9
Direct download: www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-2.6.9.tar.gz
Create a new directory for the kernel source and change into it:
# mkdir /usr/src/kernel.org
# cd /usr/src/kernel.org
Copy the downloaded kernel to the newly created directory and extract it using the following command:
# tar xzf linux-2.6.9.tar.gz
Important: The kernel source directory needs to be available on path “/usr/src/linux”, so create a symbolic link, then go to the directory:
# cd /usr/src
# ln -s kernel.org/linux-2.6.9 linux
# cd linux
Copy the configuration file of the running Red Hat kernel (check uname -r) from the “/boot” directory into the current directory:
# cp /boot/config-2.6.9-55.ELsmp .config
Note: In most installations there are several configuration files. Make sure to copy the configuration file with the correct version string.
Activate the AppleTalk module in the kernel configuration using the “menuconfig” option:
# make menuconfig
Navigate to “Device Drivers” > “Networking support” > “Networking options” and find the “Appletalk protocol support” entry. With the space bar you can toggle to “M” (for “module”). Select “Exit” until you will be asked to save the configuration. Save the configuration.
The Makefile must now be adjusted for kernel version and function mapping.
First make a backup of your Makefile:
# cp Makefile Makefile.sav
Open the Makefile and enter the kernel extra version (Red Hat Enterprise Linux patch level) as parameter EXTRAVERSION, like shown in the example below. Make sure that the specified version information matches exactly the one used for your current kernel (check uname -r):
# uname -r
For the example given above the Makefile would look like this:
If you use a 64-bit system, save the Makefile and continue with step 11.
If you use a 32-bit system, due to optimized routines, you must map some functions, otherwise you will not be able to load the kernel module into the kernel later:
Search for the line:
Change it to:
MODFLAGS = -DMODULE -Dcopy_from_user=__copy_from_user -Dcopy_to_user=__copy_to_user
Save the edited Makefile.
To create the files required for module compilation start “make”.
Interrupt the build process (CTRL-C) after about 25 lines (Make sure that the "scripts" directory has been processed!), because at that time, the files you need will be ready.
# make
CHK include/linux/version.h
UPD include/linux/version.h
SYMLINK include/asm -> include/asm-i386
SPLIT include/linux/autoconf.h -> include/config/*
HOSTCC scripts/genksyms/genksyms.o
SHIPPED scripts/genksyms/lex.c
SHIPPED scripts/genksyms/parse.h
SHIPPED scripts/genksyms/keywords.c
HOSTCC scripts/genksyms/lex.o
SHIPPED scripts/genksyms/parse.c
HOSTCC scripts/genksyms/parse.o
HOSTLD scripts/genksyms/genksyms
CC scripts/mod/empty.o
HOSTCC scripts/mod/mk_elfconfig
MKELF scripts/mod/elfconfig.h
HOSTCC scripts/mod/file2alias.o
HOSTCC scripts/mod/modpost.o
HOSTCC scripts/mod/sumversion.o
HOSTLD scripts/mod/modpost
HOSTCC scripts/kallsyms
HOSTCC scripts/pnmtologo
HOSTCC scripts/conmakehash
CC arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.s
CHK include/asm-i386/asm_offsets.h
UPD include/asm-i386/asm_offsets.h
CC init/main.o
CHK include/linux/compile.h
UPD include/linux/compile.h
CC init/version.o
CC init/do_mounts.o
CC init/do_mounts_rd.o
make[1]: *** [init/do_mounts_rd.o] Interrupt
make: *** wait: No child processes. Stop.
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs….
make: *** wait: No child processes. Stop.
Compile the AppleTalk module:
# make M=net/appletalk
LD net/appletalk/built-in.o
CC [M] net/appletalk/aarp.o
CC [M] net/appletalk/ddp.o
CC [M] net/appletalk/atalk_proc.o
CC [M] net/appletalk/sysctl_net_atalk.o
LD [M] net/appletalk/appletalk.o
Building modules, stage 2
CC net/appletalk/appletalk.mod.o
LD [M] net/appletalk/appletalk.ko
The AppleTalk module has been created as “net/appletalk/appletalk.ko”.
To test the new AppleTalk kernel module type:
# insmod net/appletalk/appletalk.ko
The following line should be written to the system messages:
kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 5
To unload the kernel module, enter rmmod appletalk. Make sure that the HELIOS services are not running when doing so.
To get the kernel module loaded automatically when starting the HELIOS services, copy the module to "HELIOSDIR/etc/kernel" and use the "31helatalk" script.
The script is available from:
User Name: tools
Password: tools
Login, go to “HELIOS Tools” > “RHEL4 AppleTalk modules”, select “script-only.tar” and click the “Download” button. To extract the archive, enter the following commands:
# cd /usr/local/helios
# tar xf script-only.tar
The module will now be loaded every time the HELIOS services are started.
Note: Feedback is appreciated!