Tech Info 113: UB+ missing libraries on some Linux versions

HELIOS Tech Info #113

Fri, 07 Dec 2007

UB+ missing libraries on some Linux versions

Recently we received several customer-reports that on some Linux distributions the HELIOS services do not start properly and are claiming about missing libraries. The problem affects the following HELIOS UB+ processes: opisrv, heladmsrv, websharesrv
The following entries are written to the system messages:
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
To solve this problem, install the “libstdc++” compatibility packages. Most vendors offer suitable packages in their repositories.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 3/4: 

Red Hat describes how to install the compability packages on their web site:
The package needed for RHEL 3 is called “compat-libstdc++-7.3-2.96”. You can download the package matching your architecture from the Red Hat Network (RHN).
Install it using the following command (example):
# rpm -ivh compat-libstdc++-7.3-2.96.128.i386.rpm 
For RHEL 4 you simply can use the “up2date” program instead of downloading the package manually:
# up2date --install compat-libstdc++-296
If “up2date” does not work, download the suitable RHEL4 package from RHN and install it using the “rpm” command like described above.
After installing the package, restart the HELIOS services using “stop-helios” and “start-helios”.
The procedure should be similar for Fedora systems.

Debian GNU/Linux:

For a Debian system (version 4.0 “Etch” received a quick test), use the command:
# apt-get install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2
or – if the version is not matching – use a package management software like “Synaptic” or “aptitude” to find the “stdlibc” compatibility packages.
After installing the package, restart the HELIOS services using “stop-helios” and “start-helios”.

Download library package from HELIOS:

If there are no vendor packages available, you can download a package containing the necessary libraries from the HELIOS WebShare server.
We created an archive containing two files:
/usr/lib/ (which is a symlink to the first file)
The archive file can be obtained from our WebShare server at:
User name: tools
Password: tools
Open “HELIOS Tools” -> “Linux Compatibility Libraries” and download the file “libstdc-compat-helios.tar.gz”.
To install the libaries, use the following commands:
# cd /
# tar xzvf /path/to/libstdc-compat-helios.tar.gz
After installing the package, restart the HELIOS services using “stop-helios” and “start-helios”.